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Online streaming and the indy video news service
Show of hands, who can recall the last time they voluntarily turned on a television to watch the evening news on a major network? I’m...
The real fake news
The Trump administration has made it clear on several occasions that the United States has a “fake news” problem. However, his...
Transparency is so the new objectivity
I read this in a blog from 2009, but it still holds extra true today. There is a somewhat recognizable shift in journalism. Complete...
Power to the public podcast
After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, American public news media received a ton of criticism for failing to call out the government. And...
A candid look at the "free & open" Internet
Let’s look at the term “free and open internet.” When talking about the net neutrality debate, this phrase can spring up on both sides....
Independent Media is not safe from journalism's elite problem
This is a post I have wanted to write for quite some time now, but I wasn’t sure I had the numbers (or more accurately, the links) to...
21st Century Censorship in Russia
Censorship. A couple of things come to mind when we hear this phrase. The popular answer for 2017 might be China – with Twitter and...
GoFundMe....and everyone else
I perusing the GoFundMe homepage today, and here’s some of what I saw: So it was a lot of babies and families looking to raise money for...
A Blogger's Dilemma
In today’s Internet, bloggers are a dime a dozen. There, I said it. I understand this is a rather controversial statement to make in an...
Was Margaret Sanger racist?
After reading about Margaret Sanger in Rodger Streitmatter’s book, Voices of Revolution: The Dissident Press in America, I promptly sent...
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